Summer Preaching Series | July 31, 2022 | 10:00 AM
We were blessed to host Matt Boswell for our summer preaching series this past Sunday. If you missed it, you can go on our website to view or download previous sermons. Go to our Sermons page on our website.

This Sunday morning we have the privilege of welcoming Aaron Menikoff. Aaron is the senior pastor of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Sandy Springs, Georgia (Atlanta Metro area). Aaron has been a dear friend for many years, and he was the first person who encouraged me to consider “a church in Texas” in need of a pastor. I thank God for Aaron’s encouragement 17 years ago, and the continued encouragement whenever I am with Aaron. Please welcome Aaron Menikoff this Sunday.

Life Classes
We will resume a new cycle of Life Classes beginning Sunday, August 21, at 9:00 a.m. Our Meaningful Membership Class follows the same schedule as life classes.

Result of the Special Called Members’ Meeting on July 24
Thank you to all who came to the special called members meeting last Sunday. The congregation overwhelmingly voted to adopt the elders proposed list of gospel partners who will receive funds from the 10% we set aside from our most recent land deal payment. We continue to rejoice over the Lord’s grace that allows us to be a generous church. And we thank God for your generosity in the Lord.

Wednesday Nights in the Fall
Go ahead and mark your calendars. Resolved Student Ministry (RSM) will return to our building on August 24. This summer the students are meeting at the Levi’s.

High Pointe Institute (HPI), Women’s Bible Study, and a new Counseling Training will begin August 31. The HPBC Biblical Counseling class is for anyone who would like to grow in their ability to apply the Scriptures to everyday life, learn how to help others through the issues they face, or understand the foundational truths and methodology that make up biblical counseling.

Sanchez Family Vacation
As I write, Jeanine is driving, and we are on our way to Florida for our annual family vacation. We ask that you pray for a fruitful time of rest and a joyful time of family fun. We will miss you and already look forward to being back with you on Sunday, August 14.


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