Life Classes
We will resume a new cycle of Life Classes beginning THIS Sunday, August 21, at 9:00 a.m. Make plans now to attend.
  • From Paradise to Promised Land: Genesis-Deuteronomy
    • Looking at the first five books of the Bible, this course aims to help participants understand the storyline and theology of the opening books of Scripture. The class will survey Genesis through Deuteronomy, book by book, to make Bible-reading easier.

  • Delight Yourself in the Lord: Finding Joy in God
    • As Psalm 37:4 makes clear, God expects his people to find joy in him. But such joy can be difficult to achieve in the regular rhythms of life. This class will explore what it means to be "happy in Jesus" by looking at such topics as: the source of our joy; the aids to joy; and some of the common obstacles to joy.

  • Meaningful Membership Class
    • The first step in pursuing membership at High Pointe is to attend the membership class. The class can be completed over the course of three sessions, which cover the following topics:
      • What is the Church & Why Should I Join?
      • What Does High Pointe Believe?
      • What You Need to Know About High Pointe
      • What Does High Pointe Expect of Church Members?

  • Spanish Life Class: Salvacion en Cristo
    • La clase de “Salvación en Cristo” ofrece al estudiante una perspectiva bíblica de lo que Dios hizo para reconciliar en si mismo todo aquello que se había perdido.  Entenderemos la obra del Padre y del Espíritu Santo en la salvación.  Además de comprender la obra y sacrificio del Hijo de Dios para salvar a los perdidos en el pecado.

  • Kid’s Life Class: The Gospel Project for Kids
    • In addition to our adult Life Classes (9 am), we offer 1 Kids’ Life Class for children (K-5th grade). In our Kids’ Life Class, we utilize, The Gospel Project that walks kids through the sweep of biblical redemptive history. This Kids’ Life Class is available whenever the adult classes are taking place.

New Sermon Series: A Study of the Book of Esther | THIS Sunday, August 21
The Book of Esther has an encouraging perspective – Even when God seems to be absent, he is working behind the scenes to preserve and deliver his people. I pray our study in Esther will encourage you, even in your most difficult times, that, while you may not feel God is there, he is very much there with us, guiding our steps, preparing our circumstances, and leading us in such a way that we will be preserved in his grace and delivered by his hand.

To encourage you in our study, we have purchased about 150 copies of Crossway’s sermon notebooks. They will be available on a first come, first served basis at the book stall in the foyer.

Wednesday Nights in the Fall
Go ahead and mark your calendars. Resolved Student Ministry (RSM), High Pointe Institute (HPI), Women’s Bible Study, and a new Counseling Training will begin August 31. The HPBC Biblical Counseling class is for anyone who would like to grow in their ability to apply the Scriptures to everyday life, learn how to help others through the issues they face, or understand the foundational truths and methodology that make up biblical counseling.


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