New Sermon Series: ORDINARY

The last couple of years have been a whirlwind. The Lord sustained us through a global pandemic. He allowed us to plant another church. And, as the dust settles, you may be asking, “What’s next?” That’s a helpful and important question, but you may be surprised at the answer.

We simply need to keep doing what we’ve been doing now for 17 years – the basic, fundamental, ordinary things of ministry. During a time of transition during which we’re replacing many volunteers, identifying new leaders, and welcoming new members, we may be tempted to do “newer, bigger, better” things. But the Lord Jesus is building his church on the foundation of the gospel word (Matthew 17-19; Ephesians 2:20). So, we cannot build on any other foundation (1 Corinthians 3:10-15).

You see, Jesus is building his church on the foolish message of the cross so that people’s faith would rest on the power of God and not the personality of a man. For this reason, we need to keep doing what we’ve always done. So, join us over the next few weeks as we remind one another just what that is and how God is working his supernatural work through ordinary means.
13 November  What is the Mission of the Church?
                        Matthew 28:16-20
20 November  God Has Spoken: The Power of the Word in the Life of the Church
                        1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5
27 November Going Public: Baptism in the Life of the Church
                        Acts 2:37-41
4 December     Feasting on Christ: The Lord’s Supper in the Life of the Church
                        1 Corinthians 10:14-22
11 December   Praying Like Jesus
                        Matthew 6:5-15
18 December   The Compelling Community
                        Acts 2:42-47
Begin praying now as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.
Life Classes
Life Classes have resumed. If you’ve missed Life Classes, it's OK. Make plans now to attend at 9:00 am.
More information HERE.
  • Compelling Community
  •    God’s Good World (The Doctrine of Creation)
  •    Meaningful Membership Class
  •    Spanish Life Class: La Comunidad Atractiva
  •    Kid’s Life Class: The Gospel Project for Kids

Children’s Catechism Class | 2nd and 4th Sunday Evenings
Our children’s catechism class for ages 3 years to 5th grace are taking place on the 2nd and 4th Sunday night. We will all gather at 5:00 pm in the auditorium to sing together. Then, the children and teachers will be dismissed. This is a wonderful opportunity for families with young children to help your children store a wealth of Scripture and doctrine.

On Call Pastor
In an effort to better care for High Pointe, we have begun to identify an “on-call” pastor. The purpose of the on-call pastor is to have a pastor available for emergencies outside of office hours. We will announce each week who the on-call pastor is for the coming week and put it in the service order card and in this e-news. To reach the on call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1. Here is the upcoming schedule:
  • 06 – 12 Nov | Pastor Brady Bowman
  • 13 – 19 Nov | Pastor Davey Davis
  • 20 - 26 Nov | Pastor Juan Sanchez

Preaching Schedule: We encourage you to regularly pray for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, take time to prepare for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking through it, and asking questions of the text before Sunday. Parents, this is a helpful way to prepare your family for Sunday mornings.


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